
ELSA Webinars Academy Messina on International Protection Law

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The ELSA Webinars Academy will focus on immigration law, specifically emphasising International Protection Law. It aims to provide an overview of the foundations of international protection and its practical application in European Union countries, including Italy and Germany. The discussions will extend to the types of protection offered to applicants by international and EU law and their interaction with national law. The Academic Programme of the event is as follows:
  • 23.05.2024, 17:30 - Fundamentals of International Protection

Speaker: Professor Ounia Nathalie Doukoure, Human Rights Advocate, Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne, Lecturer at Institut Convergences Migrations (ICM).

Participants will explore fundamental international and European law concepts related to international protection. The Speaker will provide an overview of different types of international protection and their relation to public national law.

  • 30.05.2024, 17:30 - Accessibility to the International Protection Request, Right to Defense for Asylum Seekers, and Access of Lawyers to Migrant Reception Centers

Speakers: Chiara Denaro from ASGI and Ilda Hasanbelliu, lawyer from Avvocati di Strada.

Participants will examine the role played by international organizations in international protection cases and explore challenges faced by international organizations in addressing complex issues related to asylum and migration.

  • 06.06.2024, 17:30 - Role of International Organizations in the Early Identification of Vulnerabilities Among Migrants and Asylum Seekers

Speaker: Gilda Violato from IOM.

Participants will conduct an in-depth analysis of the right of defence for asylum seekers and discuss lawyers' access to Migrant Reception Centers. They will also explore the right to legal representation and defence for migrants.

  • 13.06.2024, 17:30  - Mediterranean Situation and the Role of NGOs

Speakers: Giulia Galati, rescuer in the Mediterranean Sea with ResqShip NGO, and Isabel Kienzle from Sea Watch e. V.

Participants will analyse the current state of international protection in the Mediterranean region. They will also discuss the collaboration among Mediterranean countries and the contribution of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in supporting and assisting asylum seekers.

  • 20.06.2024, 17:30 - Accessibility to Work and Education for Asylum Seekers: Testimony and Legal Aspects about Italy and Germany

Speakers: Chamwil Njifon, first asylum seeker enrolled at University in Italy in Palermo, Muhammad Alalloush from Clearing Point Sans Papier (German Red Cross from Bremen), and Roberta Porro from Avvocati di Strada.

Participants will follow a personal narrative from a former asylum seeker and examine accessibility to work and education for asylum seekers.

Name of the event
ELSA Webinars Academy Messiona on International Potection Law
Starting date
Ending date
Organising Group
ELSA Messina
Number of Participants
ELSA Members - 20€
Non-ELSA Members - 30€
Additional Information
You can apply to the ELSA Webinars Academy using the following form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeYEPHubSPMLQ8WqfS4UajN8daDLuWqw7_9WzfE7GEA3ikHcA/viewform?usp=sf_link. The applications deadline is the 21st of May, 2024 at 23:59 CEST.