II Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa Prawa Bankowego

The conference is a cyclical event aimed at bringing together prominent representatives of the scientific community, experts and practitioners of banking and financial law. This year, the first day of the conference (November 05) will be held remotely, while the second day (November 06) will be held stationary in the Conference Hall of the Urania Hall in Olsztyn and remotely. The event is the organizers' response to the dynamic technological development and its impact on banking and financial market law.
The first edition of the project resulted in speeches by experts from fifteen academic centers, which ensured a high level of substantive discussion and exchange of experience. We are convinced that, like last year, this year's edition will also meet with great interest from the academic community and practitioners. Therefore, in organizing the second edition of the project, we would be honored if you would agree to take patronage of the Second National Academic Conference on Banking Law.Name of the event
II Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa Prawa BankowegoStarting date
05/11/2024Ending date
PolishOrganising Group
ELSA OlsztynNumber of Participants
Open to everyoneFees
Passive and active participation is free of charge.Additional Information
- No conference fee - A link to the event will be shared on ELSA Olsztyn's Facebook and Facebook event. - website link: https://www.facebook.com/events/880497667320365/?rdid=eFvAweB0MjrDM6Og&share_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fshare%2FoQrGx71MTbKYzJNQContact